Past BAAL/Cambridge University Press Seminars
Information about previous winners is available below:
Dates | Location | Title | Organisers |
11 September 2024 | University of Nottingham | Practicalities and possibilities: Linguistic approaches to short-form social media | Tamsin Parnell
Katy Humberstone |
14 June 2024 | Coventry University | Virtual exchange as an EDI-compliant approach to language education: A Global South-North research-informed seminar | Marina Orsini-Jones |
24 April 2024 | University of York | Multimodality in applied linguistic research: Current trends and methodological implications | Polina Mesinioti
Jo Angouri |
19 May 2023 | University of Edinburgh | Developing researcher reflexivity for Applied Linguistics | Sal Consoli |
13-14 February 2024 | University of Westminster | Language and onward migration: Bridging Applied Linguistics with Migration Studies | Petros Karatsareas
Vally Lytra Adriana Patiño-Santos |
4 and 24 May 2022, and 7 June 2022 | University of Exeter | Going meta: Bringing together an understanding of metadiscourse with students’ metalinguistic understanding | Debra Myhill
Abdelhamid Ahmed Esmaeel Abdollazadeh |
10 June 2022 | University of West London | Researching vulnerable multilinguals: Developing an inclusive research practice | Alexandra Georgiou
Sara Ganassin |
8-9 July 2021 | University of Surrey | Language, literacies and learning in the disciplines: A higher education perspective | Doris Dippold
Marion Heron Karen Gravett |
10-11 June 2021 | Queen’s University Belfast | Research synthesis in applied linguistics: Facilitating research-pedagogy dialogue | Sin-Wang Chong |
15-16 April 2021 | Aston University | Corpora in applied linguistics: Broadening the agenda | Robbie Love
Gavin Brookes Niall Curry |
May 2019 | Manchester Metropolitan University | On the interplay of language, hospitality and social justice: Interdisciplinary threads | Khawla Badwan
Samantha Wilkinson John Bellamy |
June/July 2019 | University of Central Lancashire | Applied Linguistics and transdisciplinary impact: Critical perspectives and opportunities for researcher development | Michael Thomas
Nicola Halenko |
10-11 July 2019 | University of Leeds | Creative inquiry in Applied Linguistics: Purposes, practices, possibilities | Lou Harvey
Jessica Bradley Emilee Moore |
8-9 April 2019 | University of Leeds | Blowing away the dust: Illuminating the value of practitioner research in Applied Linguistics | Loreto Aliaga
Judith Hanks Harry Kuchah Laura Grassick |
20 April 2018 | Cardiff University | Forensic intersections: Interdisciplinary and multimethod studies in language and law | Amanda Potts
Michelle Aldridge-Waddon Chris Heffer Frances Rock |
23–24 August 2018 | University of Oxford | (In)formal second language learning: Implications for the classroom | Henriette L. Arndt
Jessica Briggs Christina Lyrigkou |
23-24 April 2017 | Sheffield Hallam University | Challenging the pathologisation of non-standard language | Karen Grainger
Peter E. Jones |
27–28 April 2017 | Aston University | Minority languages in new media: Towards language revitalisation in Europe and Africa | Elvis Yevudey
Colin Reilly |
w/c 11 September 2017 | Liverpool University | Discourses of marriage | Laura L. Paterson
Georgina Turner |
18-19 March 2015 | University of Essex | The learning of foreign languages in primary schools in England: Issues and challenges | Florence Myles
Rosamond Mitchell |
26-27 May 2016 | Heriot-Watt University | New plurilingual pathways for integration: Immigrants and language learning in the 21st Century | Nicola Bermingham
Gwennan Higham |
27-28 June 2016 | University of Leicester | Historicizing the Digital: Language practices in new and old media | Mel Evans
Caroline Tagg |
24-26 June 2015 | York St John University | (De)Constructing Englishes: Exploring the implications of ontologies of the language for learning, teaching, and assessment | Christopher J. Hall
Rachel Wicaksono |
12-13 June 2015 | Open University | Eyetracking as a research method in online language education | Ursula Stickler
Lijing Shi |
7-8 September 2015 | University of Roehampton | The language of money and debt: The view from the ground | Annabelle Mooney
Evi Sifaki |
29-30 May 2014 | University of the Highlands and Islands | Languages in the UK: Bridging the gap between the classroom and the community in language learning | Cassie Smith-Christmas |
14 June 2014 | Leeds Metropolitan University | Learning and teaching for right to left scripted languages: Realities and possibilities | Naeema Hann |
26-27 June 2014 | Anglia Ruskin University | Approaches to identity in language | Bettina Beinhoff
Sebastian Rasinger |
4 July 2014 | Institute of Education | The multilingual university: Linguistic diversity in higher education in English-dominant settings and English medium instructional contexts | Siân Preece |
8-9 July 2013 | University of Southampton | Narrative inquiry in transnational migratory contexts: Epistemological and methodological issues | Adriana Patino-Santos
Ana Maria Relaño-Pastor |
11-12 June 2013 | University of Birmingham | Conceptualising multilingualism under globalization: Membership claims, social categories, and emblems of authenticity | Angela Creese |
19 April 2013 | Open University | Text trajectories: Developing dynamic approaches to textual analysis | Janet Maybin
Theresa Lillis |
13 July 2012 | University of Leeds | Adult ESOL in multilingual Britain | James Simpson |
17-18 May 2012 | University of Birmingham | Discourse and technology: Tools, methods, and applications | Nick Groom |
26-27 April 2012 | University of Leicester | Language and social media: New challenges for research and teaching linguistics | Ruth Page |
30 June – 2 July 2011 | University of Bristol | European dialogue for Sign Language Learner Corpora and CEFR | Maria Mertzani |
24 June 2011 | Oxford Brookes University | Reflection in the round: Discourses and practices of reflection in HE | Paul Wickens
Jane Spiro |
20 – 21 May 2011 | University of Southampton | Multilingualism in education | Julia Huettner
Gabriele Budach |
19 – 20 April 2011 | Sheffield Hallam University | Language, education & disadvantage: A response to the deficit model of children’s language competence | Karen Grainger
Peter Jones |
6-7 July 2010 | University of Huddersfield | Language in conflict: A conversation with Peace Studies | Lesley Jeffries |
June 2010 | University of Birmingham | Using corpus evidence in the classroom: Working with teachers & learners | Alison Sealey
Paul Thompson |
21 April 2010 | Open University | Academic writing in the 21st century: Towards a new framework for investigating, describing & explaining academic texts and literacy practices | Caroline Coffin
Jim Donohue |
9-10 July 2009 | University of Sheffield | Key themes in intercultural communication pedagogy | Jane Woodin
Lesley Walker |
15-16 May 2009 | University of Warwick | Connecting discourses: Academic and professional worlds | Steve Mann
Sue Wharton |
7-8 May 2009 | University of Edinburgh | Academic Language Corpora and Education (ALCE) | Joan Cutting
Bróna Murphy |
1-2 September 2008 | University of Strathclyde | Developing an applied linguistics curriculum for pre-service primary school teachers | Sue Ellis
Elspeth McCartney Jill Bourne |
19-20 June 2008 | Newcastle University | Conceptualising ‘learning’ in Applied Linguistics | Paul Seedhouse
Steve Walsh Chris Jenks Alan Firth |
18-19 June 2008 | University of Leeds | Integration & achievement in a multilingual Europe: Languages for learning and life | Jean Conteh |
29-30 May 2008 | University of Strathclyde | Applied linguistics: What do primary teachers need to understand? | Sue Ellis
Elspeth McCartney Jill Bourne |
25 June 2007 | Birkbeck College, University of London | Communicative competence revisited: Multilingual, multicultural, and multidisciplinary perspectives | Jean-Marc Dewaele |
22-23 June 2007 | Open University | Spoken online learning events: The need for a new paradigm in languages research and practice | Jim Coleman
Regine Hampel Peter Scott |
18-19 June 2007 | University of Bristol | Language testing and assessment in Applied Linguistics: Identifying reciprocity in applied linguistic research | Pauline Rea-Dickins
Guoxing Yu Katie Scott Barry O’Sullivan |
15-16 June 2006 | University of Leeds | Language, migration, and the re-theorization of the sociolinguistic space: Towards a research agenda for Applied Linguistics | Mike Baynham
Stef Slembrouck Jim Collins |
12-13 May 2006 | University of Warwick | Research perspectives on listening in L1 and L2 education | Hilary Nesi
Shelagh Rixon Richard Badger Goodith White |
2005 | Seminars Programme 2005 | ||
2004 | Seminars Programme 2004 | ||
1995-2002 | Seminars Programmes 1995-2002 |