Click here for membership benefits.

All subscriptions are renewable annually, and can be paid by credit/debit card, PayPal or BACS.

Applications are welcome for our fee-free Solidarity Membership from applied linguists who meet one, or more, of the following criteria:

  • Residency in a low- or lower-middle income country, as defined by the World Bank
  • Refugee or Asylum Seeker status, anywhere in the world
  • Currently without an institutional affiliation
  • Currently employed on a fixed-term contract of 12 months or less, anywhere in the world

For more information about how to apply for a Solidarity Membership, please email the BAAL Membership Secretary, Rachel Wicaksono, at

Individual Membership

To join BAAL as an Individual Member, please visit the Members’ Area here or click the button below.

Individual – £50
Reduced rate – (student, retired, unemployed) – £20

Associate Membership

Publishers who support the aims of BAAL can apply for Associate Membership. Please visit the Members’ Area here or click the button below.

Associate membership – £125

Institutional Membership

University departments and libraries which support the aims of BAAL can apply for Institutional Membership. Please visit the Members’ Area here or click the button below.

Institutional Membership – £120

BAAL – Named Institutional/Associate Member

To qualify for this option you must be one of the four individuals signing up to take advantage of either BAAL Institutional or Associate Membership. Please note your organisation should have previously paid for either Institutional or Associate Membership in order to select this package. Please visit the Members’ Area here or click the button below.

Donations / Gift Aid

If you would like to contribute to an appeal or make a special contribution, for example to the Christopher Brumfit Conference Scholarship Fund. You can download the Gift Aid Declaration Form here.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider allowing us to claim Gift Aid tax relief on this. In addition, please complete this Gift Aid Declaration Form and send it by post to BAAL, c/o Mosaic Events, Tower House, Mill Lane, Off Askham Fields Lane, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3FS. Gift Aid cannot be reclaimed on membership subscriptions.

Donation (amount at your discretion)

Pay Now

Privacy Policy

Please refer to our full policy here.


For all enquiries about membership, please do contact Katie Worman on the below details:

C/O Mosaic Events
Tower House, Mill Lane,
Off Askham Fields Lane,
Askham Bryan,
YO23 3FS
0330 333 0485

British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)