BAAL Executive Committee Elections 2024 – Online Nominations

We are recruiting for a number of BAAL Executive Committee (EC) posts this year, effective from September 2024. This year, we’re asking for nominations to be submitted online but the election will be held at the BAAL AGM as part of the BAAL Annual Conference in Essex, 5-7 September 2024. If you intend to stand for a post, we strongly encourage you to attend the conference if possible. Please see details on how to apply for these posts below.
2024 EC elections
There will be ten posts coming up for election. These include seven officer posts and three ordinary members as below:
  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Media coordinator
  • Newsletter editor
  • Publications secretary
  • SIG coordinator
  • Postgraduate liaison and development coordinator (postgraduate students only)
  • Ordinary member x 3
Descriptions of the posts can be found on our website: Please note that post-holders can stand for two terms, and the number of terms completed is indicated on the website (

We encourage all BAAL members to consider standing for an EC post, and welcome nominations from people with a diversity of backgrounds, including new and more established academics. We value diversity and we recognise that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge and culture and that this difference brings strength.

Membership of the EC offers an opportunity to contribute directly to BAAL policy, initiatives and activity, and to the promotion and representation of applied linguistics at a national (and often international) level. EC members are expected to attend three EC meetings per year, as well as the annual conference. Meetings may be held online or in person, and reasonable expenses for attendance are covered by BAAL.

Nominations for candidates to stand for election to the above posts will be accepted until midday on Friday 2nd August (UK time). If you would like to stand for a post, please send an email to Caroline Tagg (BAAL Secretary – containing your name, affiliation and email address; the post you’d like to apply for; and the names, affiliations and email addresses of two nominees (who are BAAL members and who you have approached). If you will not be at the conference and AGM in Essex, please also include either an online video (max. 2 mins) or a written statement (max. 250 words) giving a brief biography and highlighting the contribution you could make to the BAAL committee in this role. This information will be shared with the BAAL membership at the AGM before they vote. Please send any nominations for the role of BAAL Chair to Zhu Hua (

Please contact Caroline Tagg (BAAL Secretary – or Zhu Hua (BAAL Chair – if you would like any more information about the roles in addition to that given above (and on the website). Please also feel free to approach members of the EC to propose or second you.