Conference and Seminar Recordings
BAAL Seminar and Workshop Funding: Information Session (2024-5)
Recording of live information session (25th October 2024) – BAAL Seminar and Workshop Funding.
Recorded by Vander Viana
BAAL Guidance Workshop: Applied Linguistics Fund
Recording of live information session (8th February 2024) – BAAL Applied Linguistics Fund online workshop for potential applicants.
Recorded by Rachel Wicaksono
BAAL Seminar/Workshop: Information Session
Recording of live information session (3rd November 2023) about the BAAL funding call for seminar workshops.
Recorded by Vander Viana
BAAL Annual Conference 2023
“Opening Up Applied Linguistics”.
Please click on the links below to view recordings from the BAAL Annual Conference 2023:
Plenary 1:
Alison Phipps – University of Glasgow
What’s so good about transparency? Decolonising Applied Linguistics for whom
Plenary 2:
Emma Marsden and Cylcia Bolibaugh – University of York and Meng Liu – Beijing Foreign Studies University
Open scholarship in Applied Linguistics: Past, present, and future: Online Streamed Session
Plenary 3 – Pitt Corder Lecture:
Professor Glenn Stockwell – Waseda University
Opening up language education in the aftermath of the pandemic
Plenary 4:
Ibrar Bhatt – Queen’s University Belfast
Post digital possibilities in Applied Linguistics
Local Organising Committee Symposium
Open research in applied linguistics: What and how
Open research and scholarship aim to enhance research quality and transparency by ensuring that our work is openly available, accessible, and reusable for everyone. But what does that mean in practice?
- Emma Marsden
An introduction to registered reports - Cylcia Bolibaugh
An introduction to data sharing - David O’Reilly & Inge Alferink
Writing and disseminating open, non-technical summaries of your research - Amber Dudley, Giulia Bovolenta, Natalie Finlayson
Using open tools to collect and analyse data - Meng Liu
Getting started?: An open discussion and Q & A (chaired by Meng Liu)
Applying Linguistics Symposium:
- Natalie Braber – Nottingham Trent University and John Bellamy – Manchester Metropolitan University
Ground-breaking language: the linguistic practices of mining communities as cultural heritage - Ian Cushing – Manchester Metropolitan University and Dan Clayton – English and Media Centre, London
Challenging language discrimination in schools: toward a typology of teacher-led resistance - Gonzalo Pérez Andrade – London Metropolitan University and Hannah King – London Metropolitan University and Birkbeck, University of London
Responding to the multilingual reality of UK schools: Lessons from a researcher-practitioner collaboration - Becky Muradás-Taylor – University of Leeds
Exploring ‘cold spots’ in language degree provision in England
PGR Symposium:
- Linda Bruce – The Open University
Franken-accents an biggin ma ain style: Identities and ideologies of new speakers of Scots - Patamasiri Hoonthong – University of Sussex
Discursive Representations of being ‘Young’ in Thai Politics: Delegitimation of Future Forward Party (FFP) - Yuxuan Wei, Karen Forbes – University of Cambridge
“Am I here or am I not?”—Exploring International Students’ Multilingual Identity construction in both In-Person Study Abroad and Virtual Exchange Contexts - Rasha Mohsen – University of Leeds
Implementing Data-Driven learning approach with lower proficiency EFL students for collocation learning - Xin Fang – University of Liverpool
Learners’ processing of oral corrective feedback in the EFL classroom: things beyond the final language product - Arina Rohmatika – University of Birmingham and Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta
Exploring The Use of Data Driven-Learning to the teaching of English Academic Writing in the Indonesian Context. - Ikram Messaoudi – Limerick
“The Role of Supervisors’ Feedback in Improving Master’s Students Thesis Writing in Algeria”. - Teng Zhang – Shanghai International Studies University
A case study on corrective feedback of ‘Mandarin as a second language’ teachers in Australian Content and Language Integrated Learning classrooms - Chrysoula Vassiliu and Henriette Hendriks – University of Cambridge
Ruijia Huang and Shen-Hsing Annabel Chen – Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Giulia Li Calzi – UCL
Language Switching Training Effects on Cognitive Flexibility in Singaporean English-Mandarin Bilingual Adults (35-55 years-old) - Bochra Kouraichi – University of Szeged
Learners’ motivational disposition to learn languages other than English: The case of Estonian and Hungarian University Students - Ngoc Nguyen – Northumbria University and Hien Ho – Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Collaborative online international learning (coil) for the development of linguistic skills and cultural understanding - Jon Rowberry – Sojo University and University of Reading
“I want to engage with English without feeling like I’m studying”: How Japanese EFL learners enact and enhance agency in a self-directed language learning unit - Xiaohan Liu – University of Exeter
“Why did I do what I did?”: Understanding novice transborder teachers’ beliefs and practices of written corrective feedback in mainland China
BAAL 2023 Annual General Meeting and Book Prize:
BAAL Researcher Development Workshop April 2022
“Our first years in academia: Managing applied linguistics research alongside teaching and other tasks”.
Dr Heath Rose
Managing your research by increasing writing productivity
Prof Jeannette Littlemore
Managing your research by balancing teaching and research commitments
Prof Tess Fitzpatrick
Managing your research by capitalising on opportunities
BAAL/CUP Seminar on Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics Recordings (10-11 June 2021)
Andrea Vaughan
Adapting systematic review methods to synthesise corpus linguistic research on linguistic features of depression and anxiety on social media
Dr. Mohammad Amini Farsani, Iran University of Science and Technology
“Three decades of meta-research in an EFL Context: What does a methodological synthesis of MA theses indicate?”
Dr. Rita Elaine Silver, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University; Deborah Chua, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University; Johannis Abdul Aziz, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University; Manasi Pande, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University; Vinay Kumar, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
“Synthesizing research for practice and policy impact”
Prof. Sarah Miller
Systematic reviews in education: Achieving and maintaining methodological rigour
Dr. Luke Plonsky, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona University
“Measuring up: Psychometric concerns and contributions of meta-analysis”
BAAL/CUP Seminar on Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics: Roundtable
Hamish Chalmers
The International Database of Education Systematic Reviews (IDESR): Prospective registration of systematic reviews to improve transparency, accountability and reporting quality of systematic reviews in language education
Fiona Victory, UCL
“Qualitative comparative analysis: A tool for exploring changes in patterns in medium of instruction choice”
Ekaterina Sudina
Coding for validity evidence of L2 research instruments: Choices and challenges
Dr. Talia Isaacs, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL, UCL
“Using systematic review methodology in health intervention research: Applications for applied linguistics”
Dr. Vahid Aryadoust, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University Azrifah Zakaria, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
“An introduction to scientometric analysis for applied linguistics research: Towards a framework”
Dr. Graeme Porte, Universidad de Granada
“The Cambridge University Press journal Language Teaching: What’s in it for me?”
BAAL Annual Conference 2020 – Virtual Conference
Click on the link below to see available presentation’s from the 2020 Virtual Conference.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Elements: A new, digital-first concept in academic publishing, combining the best of books and journals
Alexandra Georgiou, University College London
Conducting multilingual classroom research with refugee children: critically reflecting on methodological decisions
Elke Peters, KU Leuven
Sit back and relax! Learning vocabulary through watching TV