Studying gender with corpus linguistics
(BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG event 2018)
- Date: Friday 18 May 2018
- Venue: John Henry Brookes building, Gypsy Lane campus, Oxford Brookes University OX3 0BP
- Keynote speaker: Charlotte Taylor, University of Sussex
- This symposium aims to bring together scholars who are using (or interested in using) corpora to study gender. We welcome both studies that focus on the relation between gender and usage —the patterns characteristic of the language used by, addressed to or intended for people of a specific gender— and those focusing on the representation of gender —the patterns that characterise text and talk about people of a specific gender— as well as other forms of corpus-based research into gender as a syntactic, semantic or pragmatic category. The symposium will conclude with a keynote address by Charlotte Taylor (University of Sussex).
- Abstracts (ca. 250 words) are being accepted until Friday 30 March 2018 for 20-minute paper presentations on any aspect relating to the symposium theme. Please send anonymised abstracts to Alon Lischinsky <>, including in the body of the email your name, affiliation, contact details and any specific technical requirements for your presentation. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by Friday 13 April 2018.
Registration form can be downloaded here.