We are pleased to announce the programme for the BAAL/Cambridge University Press Seminar: BAAL-CUP Seminar 2017_Minority Languages_Programme
The seminar will highlight research which are currently being undertaken into minority language contexts in Africa and Europe, to establish what the current pressing issues and emergent ideas are, and to highlight how current research into minority languages can provide new ways to address the preservation and revitalisation of minority languages.
The seminar will focus on the active participation of doctoral students and early career researchers, bringing together individuals who are currently involved in researching contemporary issues in minority languages.
As part of the seminar, we will establish a network of doctoral and early career researchers working on contemporary issues in minority languages in Europe and Africa.
Seminar registration is now available here: https://minoritylanguagesnewmedia2017.wordpress.com/registration-2/
Seminar Co-ordinators
Elvis Yevudey (Aston University, Birmingham)
Colin Reilly (University of Glasgow)