The full timetable is now available for the BAAL TEA SIG 2017 conference on the theme of ‘Innovations in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) assessment‘.

Friday 31 March 2017, 10:00 – 16:45

C126 (ground floor) Cottesbrook, Park Campus

University of Northampton, UK


9:55 – 10:00 Welcome & Introduction

10:00 – 10:30 Invited talk: Are you looking for what I’m looking for? Evidence-led writing criteria, assessment literacy and the teaching of writing

Daniel Waller (University of Central Lancashire)

10:30 – 11:00 Encouraging better preparation: a new Test of Academic Literacy for entry onto postgraduate EMI course

Jocelyn Wyburd & Karen Ottewell (University of Cambridge)

11:00– 11:20 Coffee Break / Group Photo

11:20 – 11:50 Long-term strategies? Test-taker reading behaviour in a university foundation programme

Richard Spiby (British Council)

11:50 – 12:20 An examination of British students’ knowledge of polysemous academic English vocabulary

Sophia Skoufaki (University of Essex) & Bojana Petric (University of London)

12:20 – 13:45 Lunch / Poster Session

13:45 – 14:15 Invited talk: Measuring the Effectiveness of EAP: What’s in our Toolkit?

Diane Schmidt (Nottingham Trent University)

14:15 – 14:45 Alternative ways of assessing listening and speaking skills on an in-sessional EAP course

Elizabeth Allen (University of Bristol)

14:45 – 15:15 The evolution of EAP assessment tasks towards critical application of learning and sustainable feedback

Maxine Gillway (University of Bristol)

15:15 – 15:35 Coffee Break

15:35 – 16:20 Panel Discussion on EAP Practice

Qian Zhang (University of Northampton)

Susie Cowley-Haselden (University of Northampton)

Chris Smith (University of Sheffield)

Diane Schmidt (Nottingham Trent University)

Daniel Waller (University of Central Lancashire)

16:20 – 16:50 Closing, then TEA SIG AGM

List of Poster Presentations (surnames in alphabetical order)

–    Ebtesam Abdulhaleem  (University of Warwick): Identifying misalignments in language proficiency using CFER scales in a context outside of Europe

–    Lizbeth Morales Berlanga (University of Southampton): Assessing speaking: The importance of proving validity in assessment case study in an EAP course

–    Majid Fatahipour (Islamic Azad University): Developing a mobile app to maximize benefit EAP vocabulary teaching

–    Helen Grinsell & Clare Albans (University of Newcastle): “Making it Real”: innovation in Year 1 EAP speaking assessment

–    Chris Smith (University of Sheffield): Listening-into-speaking seminars: design, implementation, problems and solutions

–    Qian Zhang (University of Northampton): Propose a Framework for EAP Programme Evaluation

For abstracts, please visit:


To register, please go to our Eventbrite page.

    Non-BAAL members £30.00

    BAAL members £25.00

    Full-time students £20.00

Registration fee includes lunch and refreshments on the day.

Please note that registration closes on Thursday the 16th of March 2017.