Cymdeithas Ieithyddiaeth Gymhwysol Prydain | एप्लाइड भाषाविज्ञान के लिए ब्रिटिश एसोसिएशन | Comann Bhreatainn airson Cànanachas Gnìomhach | 英国応用言語学会 |  Association britannique pour la linguistique appliquée | الرابطة البريطانية للغويات التطبيقية | Cumann na Breataine um Theangeolaíocht Fheidhmeach | برطانوی ایسوسی ایشن ایپلائیوژی لسانیات کے لئے | Brytyjskie Stowarzyszenie Lingwistyki Stosowanej | 英国应用语言学协会 | Britse Vereniging voor Toegepaste Taalkunde | Associazione Britannica di Linguistica Applicata | Британско удружење за примењену лингвистику | Britanska asocijacija za primjenjenu lingvistiku | Brittiläinen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys | انجمن زبان شناسی کاربردی بریتانیا | Asociación Británica de Lingüística Aplicada | 英國應用語言學學會 | Persatuan Linguistik Gunaan British | Himpunan Linguistik Terapan Britania Raya | Brit Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Szövetség | Βρετανικός Σύνδεσμος Εφαρμοσμένης Γλωσσολογίας | Britische Gesellschaft für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft | Британская ассоциация по прикладной лингвистике | British Association for Applied Linguistics | 

BAAL is a professional association, based in the UK, which provides a forum for people interested in language and applied linguistics. Please visit the membership page here to join! You can view this website in another language using Chrome or Safari.

BAAL Executive Committee Elections 2024 – Candidates’ Written Statements

The 58th BAAL conference (2025) will be hosted by the University of Glasgow. Read more here.

Recordings from the BAAL 2023 conference are now available to view on BAAL’s Youtube Channel and in the member’s only area.


A statement from the BAAL Executive Committee on equality, diversity and inclusion in Applied Linguistics


BAAL organises scientific meetings, and publishes a newsletter and conference proceedings. We support applied linguistic activity via fundingspecial interest groups, an annual book prize, seminars in collaboration with Cambridge University Press and a series of researcher development workshops.

We bring together the applied linguistics community via BAALmail, our dedicated webmail list, through which members share and discuss applied linguistics-related news, achievements and opportunities.

We maintain close links to institutions and organisations with an interest in applied linguistics. BAAL is affiliated to AILA, the International Association of Applied Linguistics. BAAL is a registered charity (registered charity number 264800). Members of BAAL are automatically members of AILA.

To read more about what applied linguistics is and does, click here.

British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)