Sociolinguistics Events Calendar
Welcome to the Sociolinguistic Events Calendar, which is designed to list all sociolinguistic events around the world, including conferences, public lectures, training events, PhD summer schools, etc.
If you have a Google account, then you can easily integrate it with your own calendar by clicking the little “+ Google Calendar” icon in the bottom right of the calendar.
You can also sync Google Calendar with Outlook calendar, and with other online calendars that use the iCalendar format (e.g. Apple Calendars) by copying and pasting the following iCalendar URL:
See Apple’s guide for further information.
If you would like your event added, please contact any one of the compilers (time zones included, for information):
Dave Sayers <>, University of Jyväskylä, Finland ∞ EET (GMT+2)
Anna Belew <>, Endangered Languages Project, United States ∞ PST (GMT-8)
Valerie Freeman <>, Oklahoma State University, United States ∞ EST (GMT-5)
Hayley Heaton <>, University of Michigan, United States ∞ EST (GMT-4)
Nadezhda Sotirova <>, University of Minnesota Morris, United States ∞ CT (GMT-5)
Diana Davidson <>, Seattle, United States ∞ PST (GMT-8)
Deon du Plessis <>, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, South Africa ∞ SAST (GMT+2)
If you’re organising or attending a sociolinguistic event, then you may wish to read these reports, completed by sociolinguists around the world:
- Survey on Remote Attendance at Sociolinguistic Events
- General Conference Preferences Survey
- Survey on Electronic Gizmos and Doowackeys
- Survey on Childcare at Conferences
- Going viral! The COVID-tastic Sociolinguistic Events Survey!
Each survey had over 100 responses and showed some clear trends in what people want from conferences and other sociolinguistic events.
Dave Sayers