General Information
BAALmail [BAALMAIL@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] is an email-based information list provided for all BAAL members. When you join BAAL your email address will be added to the list if you opt to join it. If you are a BAAL member and have not been subscribed to BAALmail yet, or have changed your email address, please contact:
Any BAAL member is able to post to the list and all BAAL members signed up to BAALmail will receive the email.
BAAL members can sign up for daily digest or opt out of BAALmail at any time by sending a message to
Essential guidelines
We ask that all subscribers adhere to some essential guidelines regarding use of BAALmail:
- Messages should be kept short – it is better to have a short message with a link to a web page or pdf;
- Attachments should be avoided – they are often rejected by the list spam filter anyway;
- If you must have an attachment, make sure it is a pdf and not a Word doc;
- As a general rule, please do not reply to the whole list if you are passing on information requested by one individual – reply to that individual only;
- While we welcome discussion of issues relating to applied linguistics, please remember that a wide range of academics, researchers, students, publishers, and professionals from different countries subscribe to our list and we ask that subscribers keep their messages respectful, appropriate and relevant.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable posts
BAALmail is a public forum and a representation of the BAAL membership to the world. You should be aware of your own reputation and the reputation of BAAL when posting. Because of the open nature of the list, it is important that we all adopt a responsible attitude to the list and do not post frivolously. Examples of acceptable posts:
- Requests for information, support and research assistance for applied linguistics projects; respondents should reply to the individual and not to the list;
- Information and news about applied linguistics, and events likely to be of interest to applied linguists;
- Members can post job announcements, course announcements and book announcements of interest to applied linguists;
- Other institutions can post job announcements, but they will be moderated.
We ask that all SIG events are advertised on BAALmail, as well as other relevant channels. Please note that the event budget should be approved by the BAAL treasurer and BAAL SIG coordinator before the event is advertised.
Types of message to be avoided:
- Announcements about matters not relating to applied linguistics;
- Gossip, and discussions of a non-professional nature;
- Overly frequent reminders of university seminar events. Please try to limit such announcements to an update once a term;
- Teaching post announcements for ‘native’ language speakers, as this goes against BAAL’s policy on not discriminating between native and non-native speakers.
Thank you for considering these guidelines, and we hope that you enjoy using BAALmail.
BAAL Executive Committee, March 2017