Conference Scholarships
BAAL offers scholarships at every annual conference. The scholarships are open to students and early career researchers, with the latter defined as being within 2 years of PhD completion. The scholarships cover the cost of registration, onsite accommodation for the duration of the conference (where accommodation is graded, the fund will only cover the cost of the cheapest option), and within-UK travel, subject to fair use (e.g. no first class travels or taxi journeys). The deadline for scholarship applications is indicated on the conference website each year.
BAAL also offers one Christopher Brumfit international scholarship, which is targeted at delegates from outside Britain, in particular those working in Africa, who would not otherwise have funds to attend the BAAL Annual Meeting. Candidates wishing to apply for this scholarship should submit an abstract in the usual way, indicating clearly on their submission that they wish to be considered for the Christopher Brumfit Scholarship. This scholarship is worth up to £1,000 (this may be flexible depending on the cost of travel for the specific applicant), which goes towards registration, onsite accommodation for the duration of the conference (where accommodation is graded, the fund will only cover the cost of the cheapest option), and travel. The deadline for scholarship applications is indicated on the conference website each year.
Once the abstracts have been vetted, each scholarship candidate will be required to provide two full references plus a list of other conferences they have attended and any other grants/scholarships that they have received for their studies.
Successful candidates will be informed that they should buy their transport to the conference immediately, so that they get the cheapest rates possible. They should be warned that if they withdraw less than a month before the conference without good cause, they will not be permitted to try for a scholarship from BAAL again for future conferences. Payment will be made at the BAAL Conference by the Treasurer on presentation of all relevant receipts.
2022 Conference scholarship and award winners
BAAL PGR/ECR scholarship
Ibrahima Diallo, “An exploratory study on the impact of video-stimulated reflection on novice EFL teachers’ professional development”
Nadir Junco, “Singular they in British English: Current Language Change and Future Directions”
Ouacila Ait Eldjoudi, “Multimodal analysis of gender stereotypes represented in an Algerian English as a Foreign language textbook: Is social injustice the norm?”
Zhaohui Tian, “An alternative approach to justice in the Chinese-African context? Insights from a politeness evaluation perspective”
Christopher Brumfit scholarship
Saambaviy Sivaji, “Purification of Tamil by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE): A Triumphalism of Linguistic Ownership”
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the Executive Committee members who assisted with grading and vetting the selected papers.